Funny. With a blog titled all.things.fadra, you would think it would be easy for me to talk about myself. The truth is I started my blog as a place where I could voice my opinions without judgment (because nobody judges in the blogging world). I didn’t start it as a place to promote me.
As it turns out, to develop a following in the blogging world, you HAVE to be a bit of a self-promoter. I just think it should be done with a bit of humility. So here is my humble self-promoting blog story.
I started out as a working woman (after childhood and stuff, of course). I met the love of my life and became a working wife. And then with my typical devil-may-care attitude, we had our very own superhuman offspring, my son Evan.
I continued on as a working mom, sometimes part-time and sometimes full-time. Then last summer, things changed.
I had a boss. He made a lot of money during the dot com boom. I got a little piece of the pie but thought this guy had the Midas touch. So I worked with him on and off as his right-hand man for the 10 years. When he laid me off the first time, I took it in stride. When he laid me off the second time, I realized it was personal.
So I took the knife out of my back and tried to figure out my next move. First the first time in my life, I realized that my potential could be used for good and not just evil. I could work for myself. I dabbled in this and dabbled in that and ended up as a part of the blogging world. And that allows me to be a hybrid part-time-stay-at-home-work-for-myself mom.
I started my personal blog, all.things.fadra, in September 2009 for fun. As a creative outlet. I was a random writer. I didn’t really “get” blogging. Then one of my best mommy friends, Sue, told me to go to a one day blogging conference in Baltimore. My sister lived there. Free place to stay. So off we went.
One day in February 2010 was all it took. I realized that there isn’t just a bunch of bloggers out there. It’s a blogging community. It’s competitive and supportive all at the same time. It’s working women. It’s stay-at-home moms. And so Sue and I spent our journey home planning our next moves. I dove into blogging more or less full-time and started a second blog because I love it so much.
So what would reality TV do to change all this? Besides vindication against that awful boss, it would give me a platform to show the world that blogging is a way of life. And much cheaper than therapy.
Hey! Bounced over from Adventureroo.
Very fun getting to know your story of why you blog. It's interesting that I interact with people daily in the blogosphere, but then I realize some of the basics are missing…like why do you blog? So it was fun to hear your story.
I'm new to this crazy world, but enjoying it:)
Rock the heck on, Mama. Fadra for President!!!
I love your video. You are great. Are you going to start VLOGGING? Or is this for a particular show? molly
Thanks Molly! I do dabble in video and I just might do some more. I like to talk as much as I like to write 😉
Amy – so excited to meet new people! Thanks for stopping by. Adventuroo is AWESOME. Blogging is fun. Simply put.
Great video! Love it- Best of luck!
I love that picture of you and your son! SO. CUTE. And I especially love his Superman shirt! YouTube is not working for me now so I will be leaving your blog open until it does so I can watch!
I think you just flipped me off.
Like three times.
And I thought we were BFFs… *shakes head*
Great video, Fadra (and, FTR, I was pronouncing your name the right way in my head all along)!
Silly Mom Thoughts
Hi Fadra with a Y! *waves*
You totally pointed with your rude finger when you spoke about your hubby and one of your cats. You must hate them, and love your son and the fat cat.
This is a great vid ….. I LOVE your handwriting. See you at BlogHer!!
It's nice to know more about you. We have one thing in common – I was laid off almost 2 years ago. You are an example to me and others that we can “bounce back”. The video was great. If you haven't already, you should consider Vlogging 😉
Thanks Corine! Loved yours too. So fun seeing online people come to life!
Hmmmm. President…. I might have to have a few things expunged from my record first.
I love that he is into superhero stuff these days. He told me “Good thing I'm not a girl, or else you would have had to buy me Barbie dolls.” Out of the mouth of babes…
Um, yeah. What's up with that? I'm not a middle finger user but maybe subconsciously I want all my readers to flip off. Probably not. But maybe.
Only smart people know how to say my name correctly without being told 😉
What's with my finger? I mean, I do love Josie. She eats and she sleeps. What's not to love about that? So weird (me, I mean).
Yeah, I was a teacher once upon a time and never acquired the teacher-chalkboard handwriting skills. Maybe that's why it didn't work out.
I mentioned I loved your video right? I'd totally fly down under to film with you.
I do dabble in video from time to time – but only if it's a good hair day. Keep reading. I'm sure I can find more things about myself to talk about 😉
And like I keep saying, if ever there was a good time to be unemployed, it's now.
Go Fadra! Love this post, especially the video. Good luck!!
Why, thankie!
You are just SO good on camera- every dang time. (I'm jealous because I get all flustered but I'm working on it). LOVE the chalkboard idea. Rooting for you and Erin. NC bloggers gotta REPRESENT!
Why, thanks, Suzanne. You're pretty swell yourself 😉
The camera is your friend. You should know that! Lots of NC bloggers. I wish they would just come here and do a group thing. We have such a great dynamic.
Good luck! Is there someplace to vote??