My first visit to Hershey’s Chocolate World would have been sometime in the 1970s. I don’t remember much about it but it my fuzzy memory, it was much like Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. Not only was it full of candy wonder but it was FREE!
“You mean, I could come here and ride it over and over again for FREE?”
Free was a very important concept in my childhood. And my own son’s first experience to Hershey, Pennsylvania, involved only a trip to Hershey’s Chocolate World and not to it’s big sister, Hersheypark right next door. And he was none the wiser.
Since that time, I’ve worked with Hershey many times over the years focused on their parks, lodging, and entertainment. But Hershey’s Chocolate World is a bit of a separate beast. It’s actually managed by the Hershey candy side of the business. Which is why you can’t escape without learning and eating more about chocolate than you thought possible.
As I’ve written before, there are enough things to do at Hershey’s Chocolate World to last an entire day if you want. And we’ve done that! Now we’ll be making time to revisit one of the sweetest spots in Pennsylvania because the Chocolate World continues to innovate!
Hershey’s Unwrapped – A Chocolate Tasting Journey
New this year is a brand new experience called Hershey’s Unwrapped – A Chocolate Tasting Journey. This actually replaces the Chocolate Tasting Experience I’d previously written about which I loved but was definitely geared toward more adult audiences.
Hershey’s Unwrapped is about a 25 minute experience that includes a live action show. Upon entering the first of two rooms, everyone receives a tasting kit that will be referenced throughout the performance. You can look – but don’t eat until you’re given instructions!
Everyone receives a Hershey’s Chocolate Academy Tasting Kit You can look – but don’t open! (Until they tell you to) You’ll sample four different types of chocolate
The idea is to educate everyone on the same principles they cover in their more adult Chocolate Tasting Experience. But kids no longer have to sit through boring stuff nor sample extremely bitter chocolate (can you imagine how traumatizing that is to a kid?).
Instead, you learn to use your senses to savor the different types of chocolate while being educated on its history, origins, and classification. Call it Chocolateering Lite.
Once you’ve had a chance to savor your chocolate, you learn more about the magic that goes into Hershey chocolate making by heading from the “classroom” to the “laboratory” next door. They even allow a few kids to get in on the action making it a little more interactive.
As mentioned, it’s a pretty short show with great sound and lighting (and CHOCOLATE!). It’s a good attraction and experience for families including kids of all ages.
Hershey’s Chocolate World Video
Want a sneak peek at the show and see what else there is to do at Hershey’s Chocolate World? I took you with me on my recent visit to this attraction in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
1 comment
I can’t believe I’ve never been there. I think I need to go sometime as an adult and truly enjoy the experience!