UPDATE: When I started taking Nature Made Super B Complex, it was because of a sponsored campaign. It’s been over SEVEN years and I still take this exact supplement every day! I buy it from Amazon because it’s not always easy to find in the store.
If you’re like me, you’re always looking for that one thing that will make all the difference. That one thing that will help you lose weight, tone that stubborn fat, make you sleep better, give you more energy, clear you skin, strengthen your nails, and grown your healthy, shiny hair.
You’re closely watching your friends on Facebook and wondering if that thing they did is the one thing you’ve been looking for. It’s counting points, or giving up carbs, or getting a coach, or joining a fitness cult. If it worked for them, maybe this is the thing that will work for you.
Well, I’m happy to tell you that I figured out what that one thing is.
It’s CARING about your health.
Yes, it sounds lame but oh my gosh, it’s so true. Here’s what’s happened to me in the past three months.
I realized that there’s more to life than indulgence. There’s more than indulging in the best food and wine and TV and movies. While enjoyable, it makes me fat, tired, and unhealthy (and I have the blood test results to prove it).
So I decided to care for one reason. This guy.
At 10 years old, I had lured my son into the very same unhealthy habits I had adopted. And he was suffering the very same effects. More than anything, I wanted to be a healthy role model for him. And I finally cared enough to do it.
I changed the way I eat completely. I started reading labels and becoming extremely conscious of what I was putting into my body. I started retraining my metabolism to rely on stored energy sources (i.e., fat) rather than easy energy sources (like ingested sugars and refined carbs).
And then I lost a million pounds and everything was great.
Nope. Sorry. Not that easy. Then, as I was feeling better, I got sick. I developed this awful sinus infection and went on a strong antibiotic. Then I got even sicker. Like, flu sick. So I went on an anti-viral medication. And the doctor told me to take mega doses of Vitamin C and take a probiotic.
So that’s exactly what I did. And I finally got better and kept up with my healthy habits and realized, hey, taking these supplements is probably a good idea anyway.
So I kept up with the Vitamin C and the probiotics and I finally added in that Vitamin D supplement my doctor has been suggesting I take.
Adding Vitamins and Supplements to my Daily Routine
And now, I find myself strolling down the vitamin and supplement aisle wondering what else I could use. So I’ve added something new to my repertoire – Vitamin B, mainly because B vitamins are necessary for normal function of the nervous system and help support cellular energy production.â€
Sounds simple enough. But like many other vitamins, it comes in multiple forms: B1, B6, B12, tablets, gummies, softgels. And there are so many different brands. How do you pick what’s right for you?
I ended up choosing Nature Made® Super B Energy Complex for a few reasons.
- Nature Made is focused on health and wellness through product innovations, quality ingredients.
- Nature Made is #1 Pharmacist Recommended.
- The Super B Energy Complex provides 100% of the daily value of 8 essential B vitamins (I’m all for a one stop shop)
- It comes in a softgel (small and easy to swallow – super important for me)
- Take once a day (I can remember once a day. Beyond that – forget it)
Now I have my little morning pill cozy and it’s become a habit just like all the other habits I used to have. Only this is a good habit.
I wish I could tell you that there was a magic pill that would make life easier but making small, consistent changes every day does add up. And I’m only adding to the changes every day to become a better version of the person I am.
†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.
Just entered the sweepstakes. I am a supplement junkie. But I do struggle to remember to take them every day.
I’m good at *buying* the supplements but actually taking them has been an issue for me. With . my old lady pill case, I’ve been 100% compliant. And my mom takes so many and is in great health so she must be doing something right!