You know how kids have show & tell in school? Actually, kids don’t even have show & tell very often anymore. God forbid they should talk about anything non-school-related when there’s learnin’ to be had.
But let’s face it. Kids like to show off the cool stuff they have. Not to make other kids jealous but because they’re really excited about sharing it.
Why can’t grown-ups do the same thing?
I mean, sure, we have Facebook but we all know that’s more likeĀ In-Your-Facebook. You know what I mean…
“Oh, I am the luckiest woman alive! Look at the diamond earrings my darling husband just bought me. SQUEE!!!”
Yeah, um, no. That’s not what I want to do here.
My very own web series
So I’m starting a weekly video series called Show & Tell Tuesday and since today is Tuesday, it’s time for the VERY FIRST EPISODE!
This is not a blog series. It’s a VIDEO series so I won’t be showing them here. I’ll just be reminding you on Tuesday to subscribe to my YouTube channelĀ and go watch the latest installment.
But, wait. There’s more.
Everyone wants a turn at Show & Tell and that’s where it gets fun. I want you to join in!
Here are the steps:
1. Pick something you want to show & tell (duh).
2. Film aĀ quickĀ video (like, no more than 2 minutes – we don’t need the entire back story).
3. Upload it to YouTube.
4. Leave a comment in my weekly episodeĀ on YouTubeĀ and include the URL to your YouTube video. It will automagically turn into the video title with a hyperlink to your video.
5. Make sure you also share your comment to Google+ so the entire world will see the fabulous things we’re doing.
See you next Tuesday (on YouTube) with something amazing/interesting/unique/FABBBULOUS/delicious/sexy/practical. I haven’t decided yet.
Love your opening sentenceā¦so true. Great video. I was with you when you purchased these two items. You always find the neatest things!
love the idea and can’t wait for more!!!!!! Hoping you don’t find a gang of Chinese guys at your door wanting those back! lol