Last week, I wrote an interesting post about excitement and jumping into things, especially when they scare me. And then POOF! The post vanished. Completely gone, never to be found again. Maybe it was meant to be. Maybe those words were just meant for me. But this week, I’m making sure I hit save because I want to read your posts too!
Here’s my 5 minute brain dump…
Let’s talk hair color. We have such a melting pot of hair color in this country and they all have connotations.
Brown = boring
Black = dangerous
Blond = ditzy
Red = mysterious
Silver = sophisticated
Gray = old
Any other unnatural shade = it depends
I’ll admit that I think the trend of pastel colored hair is pretty cool. The idea of lavender hair is just lovely. But it’s not for me. Just as red isn’t for me, nor is blond. Sure I’ve been tempted to make a drastic change but drastic change doesn’t suit me well.
Years ago, I wanted to go dark. Like DARK and I ended up coloring my hair almost black. It looked horrible against my skintone so I washed and washed and washed hoping it would fade. Nada. So I used a hair color removal kit, stripped all the color out of my hair and went back to brown. I felt at home with that color.
I do think about changing it up. I sometimes get a few blond highlights in the summer. It feels lighter and fresher. And I do envy the women that do something really crazy with the hair color. I’d love a cool streak of something. But at my age, I worry I’d look like someone trying to recapture their youth. And isn’t there a sort of elegance to convention?
As the grays are creeping in, I think more about that trend. Going gray or silver. For some women, it looks beautiful but there’s never been a gray haired woman in my family. I truly think that gray hair ages most people. That means I’ll keep on coloring mine until there’s nothing left to color.
What do you think about coloring hair? Is it fun? Necessary? Are you daring or boring? And what should I do?
and i also kinda, sorta wrote about hair … how funny is that!
Can’t wait to read. You seem to have the knack for hair!
In my family, we women turn gray in our twenties! I have been washing it away for, um, 25 years! I don’t plan to change that! That’s the color of my hair to the left (in my picture). It is the closest to my natural color that I have ever been. I darken it every so often because it has a mind of its own and bleaches out. I went very dark, like you, about a year and a half ago. I liked it at first, but it didn’t ring true to me even though I dyed it dark all through college!
I have been dying my hair (to hide the greys) since I was in my mid 20s. I don’t know if I will ever be able to let it go now. And, because I have naturally dark hair and fair skin, the minute the grey starts to come in I look horrible! I have had periods where I went a little more auburn or had blonder highlights. I’d love to do something crazy like a purple streak some day! Maybe we should all commit to doing it! Strength in numbers!
Hair color is so necessary! I started going grey at 18 so I have been trying different colors for (enter number of years here). Last year when we went to the pirate festival in New Jersey I had dark blue as my under color and a brown with highlights on top. I kept that for the whole summer until I came home from a trip to Universal over Labor Day. I LOVED the blue and wish I still had it now. The problem with the blue is the maintenance. It has to be touched up and recolored every 2-3 weeks because it fades so much (because I have to wash my fine hair almost daily). I LOVE the colors and I want to add something fun for this summer too but I am not sure what to do yet… I figure I need to have fun colors now because once I am a grandma I will feel strange having the added red, blue, purple, etc to my hair.
PS This is the longest comment ever. Can I count it as my 5 minute dump? LOL!
Cool post Fadra! Interesting…
I’ve decided to go with purple highlights. Why purple? Why not! I will admit to plucking my greys because I just don’t want them. Yeah. I think this song is about me.