I’ve been hinting at some potentially big, family news for weeks now. Some of you suspected a move might be in my future and you suspected right. I have so many mixed emotions about it that I can almost guarantee that I’ll be blogging about it for weeks to come. It just will probably be more organized than my rambling today about the road that lies ahead.
I’m moving. The secret is out. We’re moving. Not my blog, nothing figuratively. I mean, literally, I’m packing up house and moving. We’ve been toying with the idea for almost a year. Gone back and forth with where Sean might get a job. It started with a possibility of moving to Connecticut. We came thisclose to making it happen and at the last minute, it didn’t.
I didn’t want to move. And then I started looking around at houses in Connecticut and dreamed of living along the COnnecticut River and livingt hat quaint New ENgland life I’ve always dreamed about. And just when I started getting reallye xcited about leaving my house and my life behind, it fell through.
I think I was relieved but I’m not sure. I was happy to stay but disappointed that we had no big change to look forward to. Everything was staying the same. So then I thought, if we were going to move to COnnecticut, why don’t we open it up and move anywhere? Really? Where did our sense of adventure go? Oh yeah. It had a family.
Then another opportunity came up in the DC area. Okay, great! That’s where my family lives (close by, anyway) and I know the area having grown up in Maryland. And I already know so many wonderful bloggers in the area. But then I looked at houses and thought about the traffic and thought about how this was a place I grew up in and longed my whole life to escape from and here I was going back. Happy, but not happy.
It’s like when I was pregnant and all of the sufdden I was surrounded by pregnant women. And now that we’re moving, I’m surrounded by things that make me think our life, this house, this city is fabulous and what a horrendous mistake it will be to move.
And now that I’m a mom, I have to think about grown up things liek taxes and schools and stuff I have no clue about. And I just want to be home. I dreamed that my house would be the house I would grow old in. We planted trees and bushes and flowers. We’ve painted and remodeled. This house is our baby. It’s where we HAD our baby.
Am I the only one with these crazy emoptional attachments to my house? I see so mnay people packing up and moving and none of them ever seem to blubber about what they’re leaving behind.
And that concludes my 5-ish minute of my stream of consciousness.
I love how you do this, and I enjoy reading people’s SOC. Me? I think mine would be too crazy and unpublishable. But I do enjoy reading the linked up ones here.
SO excited with your news. I have always enjoyed moving, and the feeling of discovering new things.
Some days are better than others when it comes to my free writing. Luckily no one seems to mind what comes out of my brain.
I once was adventurous and longed to discover new places. Then I got old 🙁
This was/is totally me. We only moved across town and it has been such a weird thing. I am calling it post-mortgage depression because I was in LOVE with our old house and dreamed of growing old there. I love this house too but it’s not home to me yet. I know it will be but I can totally relate to your feelings. At the same time, it’s really exciting so I am hanging on to the good stuff! You will be missed here!
Wow, I wasn’t expecting you to be feeling like that. I know you haven’t had the warmest welcome into the neighborhood either. It’s the big stuff and the little stuff. I know it takes a while to get used to any change. I’m just having a lot of anxiety about it right now.
The great thing about blogging is that I know we’ll cross paths again soon! (once I move, of course)
You are not alone with the attachment. You know we are in the talks of it as well and as I look around I realize I like my home. My children will have spent time here and it’s home. But sometimes you have to look ahead…
I was so ready to move until someone told me I had to. Then I started looking around at everything I love. We have put so much heart and soul into our house.
There’s no hard and fast date but we’re looking to put our house on the market in a few weeks because in this economy, you’ll never know how long it takes!
We’re going to put ours up to rent…in case we need to move back for Hubby’s job!
I wish you luck in your move and will gladly hand you tissues when you cry
Exciting news! And one of these days, I’m gonna try this. Maybe today…
Moving or free writing?
I went through this a few weeks ago. It fell through but everything you talked about went through my head too. Personally I feel relieved but I know this will come up again in the future, just as it has in the past. I am currently looking after my neighbours’ house. They up and moved to Belgium. I wish I had that sense of adventure. it is so hard with a young family. Although I think it would be hard regardless of what age they are. By the time they have grown you want want to move because you might have grand kids. From all the people I’ve talked to though, the anticipation and anxiety about moving is high but the majority have been so happy they did. And nothing is ever 100% permanent. You could move again if you were really unhappy, which I’m sure you won’t be. It helps a lot if you are moving within the same country. I think it sounds exciting!! There are so many places i would love to live in!
THANK YOU! I always think of things in terms of forever and I need to remember that nothing is certain but change. If I don’t like it, there’a good chance we could move again. I used to have that adventurous spirit. I think I need to find it again!
This is EXACTLY the mentality I need. Nothing is permanent. Changes happen.. and then more happen as well.
With my anxiety about moving I need to remember that.
Good luck on packing everything up!
Wow! So exciting! I understand how you’re feeling, though. I felt the same way moving from a little apartment to the house we’re in now, and I didn’t even love the apartment!
I spent so much time moving after high school that it wasn’t until we settled here for 8 years that I really felt like I had a home. I know it won’t be my last house!
Well, I for one am thrilled that you are officially coming to the DC area. I will even show you where all the best stores are. 🙂
First, you have to help me figure out where to move! I want a nice, new big house like in Raleigh. For cheap. I haven’t found that up there yet!
I love this because my husband and I are putting our house up next week and I have the same emotions. I want to go “home”, back to Ventura County, but I’m just a ball of anxiousness! Great post.
I keep telling myself home is where the heart is. And really, as long as I have my family with me, that’s all that matters. But there’s something to be said for the feeling of contentment at home.
#1. I think it is distinctly possible that I screwed up when I submitted my link for the SOCS, which isn’t anything earth shatterning but embarrassing none the less.
#2. I moved about 6 years ago from Kansas to Minnesota. It was exciting and fun to begin again, but also worrysome and scary. I totally get what you are saying in your post. 🙂
It’s okay if you screwed it up but how will I know?
And see you made a big change and it was fine. Just keep talking me through it…
I love participating in SOCS. I have yet to do it without any anxiety… but I must say it’s getting better. (the anxiety… not the writing!)
Your move is exciting… but I can see where your thought process is going to be totally different than mine. I am staying within a 5 mile radius of all of my family… and where I have lived for YEARS. YOU? going across country with kids? You are a RockStar!
Wonder where the anxiety comes free? For me, this is the easiest post of the week. Maybe you need more practice at letting go.
As for the move, I’m not quite a rock star. We’re only moving a state or two away and I’ll be closer to my family. And I just have one kid 😉
I am not a big fan of moving either. But it is not so much my house, the physical space, it is the people. You know like the pediatrician, the cashier at the little store down the street, the post office people, dance class teacher, etc. Some people I know well some I don’t, but all of them shape my day. And that is what gives me hives about moving.
I hope it all works out for you.
Oh, I have all of THAT anxiety too. I love my hair stylist, pediatrician, dentist, doctor, FRIENDS. What am I supposed to do about all that? They know me at the pharmacy. Who’s going to know me when I move?
Good luck, I have always wanted to break out and move…but it has never happened….I live 4 blocks away from my mom who is 4 blocks down from my grandma in the town I grew up in…blah! I will just live vicariously through your move! lol
I grew up in a small town and my only goal was to get out. I don’t know where it came from but I had the biggest ambitions to get out and see the world. I’m actually afraid of flying but I don’t let it stop me. It’s good to see the world. It makes you appreciate what you have at home all the more. (Also, it’s awesome to be close to family.)
I think it is more than normal to be attached to your home and the life you have lived there! I assume you guys are needing to move for work? Change is always difficult even when it is desired or needed. Just think of all the new things! For me, I would be dang excited about a COMPLETELY clean home. Every nook and cranny. LoL
My husband got a new job where he will be working with accounts in the DC area. He’s so excited so I’m just trying to go with the flow. I would be excited about a completely clean home if I didn’t have to worry about doing the same thing to mine!
I had not thought of that part. :O(
I’m so sad that you’ll be moving but I knew it was a big possibility. I feel you on the house. We had a 40 year old, 1100 sq ft in Scottsdale and lived there only 4.5 years but that was where N was born and the house had so much character. I made a little scrapbook of all the details about the house I’d miss.
Gonna miss you but I’m sure you’ll be happy wherever you go!
DC isn’t that far and I’m sure I can talk all my friends into doing their IKEA shopping up by me. Plus, we’re hopefully moving near one of my favorite places on EarthL Harpers Ferry, WV. It’s beautiful and great hiking!!
I’ve moved three times in the last year. Thinking about what I left behind was/is making me crazy at times. You are certainly not alone in that way. Right now I’m trying to just cut loose and focus on the present and future. I love what I’m doing and where I’m living, but in some ways I feel like I’m sailing down a mountain on a big inner tube hoping I don’t hit a tree. Life is fun and exciting but the turf under my feet is not feeling that solid at the moment. I’m saving my bubble wrap and packing peanuts right now because I feel like I’m probably going to need them again soon. When I throw away my bubble wrap I’ll know that I’ve arrived!
I lived in the DC area for 10 years, until fairly recently. As you know there are a lot of great things there. I bet that adventurous spirit in you returns as soon as you pull up stakes and head on down that ol’ ribbon o’ highway.
Say hi to Barack O’ for me.
3 time in one year? I guess it helps you keep the clutter out of your life.
My life is definitely a balancing act. I go between feeling like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be and doing what I’m supposed to be doing and then feeling like I’m on that inner tube hoping I don’t crash into anything! I feel that this next move won’t be permanent but I do think it’s time I rediscover the adventurer in myself.
I get anxiety just hearing the word “moving”, I think because I am a single mom, it overwhelms me…..
I would love to live in the DC area, I would go to the Smithsonian every weekend
I am staying here in the KC area because my family is all here.
I lived overseas for a few years and moving there and then back costs as much as I make in a year now.
that is all
I get anxiety just hearing the word “moving”, I think because I am a single mom, it overwhelms me…..
I would love to live in the DC area, I would go to the Smithsonian every weekend
I am staying here in the KC area because my family is all here.
I lived overseas for a few years and moving there and then back costs as much as I make in a year now.
that is all
Ooh. Where did you live overseas? I dream of living in Europe but the thought actually terrifies me. I grew up in the DC area so I’m looking forward to taking my son to all the DC landmarks including the Smithsonian. But yes, I have anxiety about it. And yes, it would be very difficult if I didn’t have my husband as the breadwinner.
Super exciting. Good luck. Ill be lurking and reading all about it 🙂
Thanks! I’ll need all the support I can get because I sense some tears coming…
Totally understand where you are coming from. Or from where you are coming. Whichever ending you prefer.
We bought a house several years ago way out in the middle of nowhere. Not out of state, but further away. We loved it.
Then it came time to send the small folks to school and I had second thoughts. So, we received out-of-zone permission for one year, put our house up for sale and moved to the town where we wanted the kids to go to school. NOW? We wished we had stayed put.
It’s hard being a grown-up.
Oh no! Yes, I’m completely in the dark when it comes to the grown up stuff. We have to consider things like property taxes, and septic vs. sewer, and school districts. YUCK! I just want to pick a pretty house close to the grocery store. And shopping.
wow.za. i am so totally attached to our house. i have moved more times than years i’ve been alive, so i dearly love being home. but sometimes i get the bug and i’m like “gah let’s just get up out of here and go somewhere fun to live”. so i feel ya. and i’ll be here to read your words and ramblings the whole way! xo.
Yeah, you get it. I love being home. But sometimes I want to run away to Mexico and wear loose dresses in the sand and just be an old crusty writer that drinks too much tequila. Or something.
Ive moved. Alot. Its an adventure and i love each home i leave behind and the ones i move into. Kinda like men. Yoyll find the right one!
Oh Pam. I love you. Yeah, I’m ready for a change 🙂
Oh, Girl! I totally hear you. We’ve moved a LOT since we got married – we’ve owned 4 homes in the past 10 years plus rented two others. The last move was TRAUMATIC. The Hubs just graduated with his doctorate. I had lost my job. He didn’t have a job yet. All professor jobs in his field were nationwide searches. AND … I was pregnant. We could have literally moved anywhere in the US and were considering the pacific rim. Not a fun amount of stress while pregnant. Thankfully, the Lord landed us just an hour from where I had grown up so my kids get to grow up knowing their grandparents. Praying everything works out for you!
WOW! How scary! But yes, everything for a reason. Glad you can be close to family. Makes such a difference!
I had a feeling this would be the announcement! 🙂 Happy for you and the new possiblities, but I can totally see how you feel leaving a place that became home. (This is one of my fears as I dream about moving someday.)
I think it’s because this is the house I’ve made a home and I’ve lived in for 8 years – longest place ever except for my childhood home 🙁
Congrats to you! You’ll be closer to me 🙂
I know! And I fell in love with Philly when I was there last September. Can’t wait to be close enough to explore (and eat more cheesesteaks 🙂 )
No. You are so not the only one emotionally attached to her house. I mean. Its your HOUSE for goodness sakes. Its more than that. Its your HOME. where you’ve raised your family.
All the same, congrats!
Thanks, Julie. I’m the super sentimental type anyway so I could probably make an excuse to keep a piece of trash. No, I’m not a hoarded but I do need to keep myself in check 😉
Just the word “moving” makes my heart beat a little faster and makes me sweat just a little bit. Hope the process goes smoothly!! Glad we will still be able to hang out together online!! Also hope to see you before you vamoose, I think a beach trip is in order before that happens!!!
Amy – with your conference circuit, I can’t imagine I’ll be seeing you any less. If the weather keeps up, I’ll be at the beach very soon!
I love this!!! I just did one for the first time. Can’t seem to get mine to link though! Bummer but enjoyed writing in this way either way!
Not sure why you couldn’t get your link to go through but I made sure I added it. We’ll chalk it up to a newbie mistake 😉
Headed to read yours soon. Thanks for stopping by – you’re lucky #25!
I love your SOC Sundays! Moving is hard, yet exciting. You are moving to CA, right???
Oh yeah. We’re totally moving to California because we love earthquakes and wind storms and mudslides and brush fires. And it’s SO DARN CHEAP there.
well i must be completely psychic because i thought you already lived in DC. why i thought that i don’t know. but i for one completely understand how you feel. we haven’t had a real “home” in a year & now we are picking up and moving across country. its such a scary opportunity, but an opportunity nonetheless. good luck with everything.
The being pregnant analogy is perfect. Wanting something and actually going through it are two entirely different things, and change is hard. Will be excited if you do end up in the area!
Oh wait – WHAT? This is totally unacceptable. I’m just catching up on your posts and tHIS is what you tell me. Not acceptable. Where the heck are you going? What? Wait? What? Why? 🙁 I’ll miss you. (off to read more recent posts to see if you tell me more)
moving is quite exiting but its also a stressful thing to do, good luck on your move to your new place.
Belinda Ramirez,
Boston Movers
Secure Movers Co.
You are NOT alone; not wanting to leave your house. That’s how I found your blog. I was googling to see if anybody else was moving and regretting it.
I am 67 years young. My hubby is 75! He is retiring. We have lived in our home for 26 years! It’s part of us and we are part of it. We have poured lots of money and love into this house and now I’m handing it over to strangers. Why? I’m not sure.We went to visit our daughter in Texas last April. We fell in love with her community and the state in general. We now live in Seattle, Washington. What a change! From floods to droughts! But it’s done.While visiting our daughter in Texas, we took out a few minutes to BUY A HOUSE! Most people come home from vacation with a coffee cup and a T-shirt. Not me! I buy a HOUSE! Am I senile? Possibly.Anyway, since the home we live in now is paid off, we figured we were safe in buying one before selling this one. Fortunately, we sold this one in two months so we won’t have to pay double untilities and taxes for long. However, I AM EXTREMELY SAD AND EMOTIONAL AND ON THE EDGE OF ADMITTING I GOOFED! I just can’t imagine leaving my home of 26 years. Also, a younger daughter who lives here, 2 grandchildren, and my ONLY sister who just underwent bypass surgery!I have so much to do to get ready for this move (8 weeks), and all I can do is sit and cry and ask myself WHY?So you are NOT alone. I just wanted you to know.Good luck with your move,Judi