It’s hard to just open your mind. When I think of doing a brain dump, it’s almost always about how I feel old or fat and how I want to do something about it but it all seems so hard and hopeless (mainly because I have no willpower). But who wants to read that every week? So I stopped for a minute or so. Thought about what was really going on in my life and then let my fingers do the talking.
Here’s my 5 minute brain dump…
A few months ago, I talked to a psychic by phone. I did it to review the service. Believe it or not, I am NOT the biggest skeptic on the planet but I am very cautious. I trust my intuition and I think I would have been able to tell if this woman was reading from a script or just being generic enough to make her dialogue fit the situation.
I wrote about it and it was a positive experience but I did leave a good portion of the call out of my review. It was all about feng shui and which corners mean what. When you enter a home, the far left corner represents wealth and the far right corner represents partnership. I can’t remember the exact words she used but it was clear that the far right corner was to be very important in my home.
The reason is that I was asking about the future of my marriage. She explained that we’ve been neglected that part of our house/yard for too long. I admitted that that was the exact space where we had a deck planned but that for three years, despite having the plans drawn up, we’d made no attempt to build the deck (let’s be honest – it’s an expensive ordeal).
Well, guess what. We’re building that deck. We outsourced the framing so it’s got a good solid foundation and together we’ll be doing the rest. The decking, the rails, etc. So far, my husband has done the work. And it’s slow and he is frustrated at his progress but I know we’ll get it done and in the end, it will be gorgeous. In the meantime, I’ve been spray painting our lawn furniture and getting it spruced up so that we can fully furnish the deck when we’re done.
If you can pick up on metaphors, than perhaps you’d agree with me that that psychic maybe knew exactly what she was talking about.
I went to a psychic recently when I visited San Francisco. My daughter had wanted to get her palm read for a long time and even though I managed to get her a crystal ball reading (!!!) over Thanksgiving weekend, I felt this opportunity was too good to pass up. The wisdom she gave me was fairly general and easily layered atop the average woman’s life. Does this make it or her wrong? No. She did want to give me a spiritual cleansing for an extra $200. I didn’t opt for that, but I did keep her information. As for your psychic – I’m glad you’re reaping rewards from her reading. Feng Shui is very cool… even if we don’t believe, focus and intention – in my mind – are always beneficial.
Enjoyed reading about your FIAT adventure, too, by the way. Have a great week!!
I think i can decipher the metaphors. Good for both of you. It is a lot if hard work and slow-going, but I know the deck will be beautiful and worth it.