Black in Space: Breaking the Color Barrier is a short documentary premiering on the Smithsonian Channel next week. The timing is appropriate for Black History Month, traditionally every February, but …
The Kids Grow Up is a documentary by filmmaker Doug Block, who decides to “document” his daughter Lucy’s last year at home before going away (far away) to college. After …
The question sounds rhetorical but a literal free trip to Egypt was at the heart of the documentary, Free Trip to Egypt. The premise? Take a few unlikely candidates for …
When I moved to Baltimore five years ago, I never imagined that it was such a hotspot of inspired storytelling. I grew up in southern Maryland and never was privy …
We all know the name Malala. It was echoed around the world in October 2012 as reports emerged of the attempted assassination of Malala Yousafzai in her native Pakistan. Typically, …
If you’re looking for a documentary that all kids should see, it probably won’t be the one you’re thinking about. It won’t be about wildlife or nature or saving the …