My family is probably NOT the norm. My son has his shows that he watches and for the most part, we’ll either let it play in the background or we’ll…
stream team
When you get those rare moments of alone time together with your spouse or partner, how do you make the most of it? You watch Netflix and chill. Eww, wait…
Have the summertime blues hit yet? I waffled on the fence for quite a while about whether or not to send Evan to summer camp. In the end, I settled…
Do you know how I know if we’re going to get along famously? It’s decidedly simply by whether or not we laugh at the same things. For example, last night…
Looking for the best shows on Netflix for food lovers? There’s no shortage. But if, for some reason, you can’t find any of these shows currently streaming on Netflix, be…
Remember the days when you and your loved one would think about plans for going out on a Saturday night? Yeah, me neither. I do remember being in my 20s…