When you get those rare moments of alone time together with your spouse or partner, how do you make the most of it? You watch Netflix and chill.
Eww, wait a minute. I wasn’t thinking about that. I was thinking about what you might actually watch together on Netflix while you’re actually chilling.
I have so much I want to watch that I just can’t because of children in the household. Well, actually just one child. But he’s the child who never sleeps so when he finally goes to bed somewhere around 10pm, I’m too exhausted to think about watching TV.
But I work from home so technically I could watch my shows during the day but then I feel like I’m cheating. Like I just got caught playing Solitaire on my work computer (remember those days?). Sometimes when I’m on my “lunch hour” I’ll catch up on Orange is the New Black or House of Cards because those are my shows. I can watch them guilt-free without my husband.
Other things look so good that I just don’t want to watch them unless we can share it together. Like Making A Murderer. Everyone is talking about it. Have you seen it? It’s so good. No, I haven’t seen it. Yet.
So my biggest takeaway from all of this is that:
- I need to get my kid to bed earlier.
- I need to spend more grown-up time with my husband.
- There are a lot of good shows and movies for us to catch up on.
- We generally spend our time watching gritty, suspenseful shows.
I mention that last one because Valentine’s Day is coming up and maybe we need a date night in. Maybe we need to grab a bottle of champagne (we don’t even wait for special occasions to drink a good bottle of the bubbly), some triple creme brie and few crackers, and find a nice romantic movie to settle into.
Now, if the thought of a Nicholas Sparks story makes you want to barf (like me), you don’t have to settle for sappy, cheesy romance movies. I mean, I love a goof Lifetime movie once in a while. And I still get teary at totally predictable, super-happy endings. But this little infographic has done all the Netflix work for me this month.
Want to know what my romantic pick is? Scroll down to the bottom and I’ll tell you where I landed.
Topping my romantic movie list is Mr. Nobody which oddly enough is already in my Netflix queue based on my picks from last month. I guess I know myself.
Now it’s your turn. And you going to “watch Netflix and chill” (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) or did you come up with a tamer selection for your Valentine’s Day viewing list?
This post was written as part of my role on the Netflix Stream Team. Topics, selections, and all opinions are my own.
That infographic is THE BOMB!!!! And don’t feel bad I had no idea what- Netflix and Chill-meant either!
Love the infographic. We had the wrong definition for Netflix and Chill also – but now my husband and I think it’s funny and we waggle our eyebrows each other when we hear it said. I’ll have to check out Mr. Nobody. Can we start a new saying for Netflix? How about Netflix and veg out or something like that? Because we do watch Netflix and just hang out.. we don’t Netflix and Chill as much as we’d like (we’re tired old parents).
Love the infographic. We had the wrong definition for Netflix and Chill also – but now my husband and I think it’s funny and we waggle our eyebrows each other when we hear it said. I’ll have to check out Mr. Nobody. Can we start a new saying for Netflix? How about Netflix and veg out or something like that? Because we do watch Netflix and just hang out.. we don’t Netflix and Chill as much as we’d like (we’re tired old parents).