There’s one question that tells you so much about a person and yet it’s a question I find so difficult.
What is your favorite movie?
Because the answer really is: it depends.
Are you looking for something deep and meaningful? Something that makes you laugh and feel good? Something that’s so romantic you can’t stand it (in a good way)? There’s so much criteria involved when picking the best movies of all time. Or even just great movies.
As my son gets older, I try to remember all of the great movies that have had an impact on me so that I can share them with him, when’s it’s age-appropriate of course. And usually, the first place I look is Netflix to see if it’s available for streaming. And hooray! Some of them are! Like…
You know the one. Bad boy meets good girl. Bad boy blows off good girl. Good girls turns bad girl just as bad boy turns good boy. Along with lots of singing and dancing. Those songs are catchy. You cannot deny that. CANNOT. And even my 7 year old son likes this movie and he’s totally not into singing and dancing (that he’d admit to, anyway).
Surely you can’t love this movie? Why, yes, yes I do. And don’t call me Shirley.
I’ve long been a fan of ridiculous humor and when I recently decided to show this RATED PG movie to my 7 year old son, I remember that the ratings scales have changed a lot over the years. Luckily, I still remember every single line to this movie. And luckily, most of the jokes when over my son’s head.
Hotel Rwanda
I like serious movies too. The kind that stay with you. And Hotel Rwanda is one of them. In fact, I’ll admit to my own idiocy. I had no idea about the genocide that occurred there until I watched this movie. It was right around the time I started my global awakening (I’m still learning). This movie made me fall in love with Don Cheadle and I think it’s a must see for anyone.
But there are many other movies that I love to watch again and again and they aren’t available for streaming. They’re available on DVD from Netflix but I’m strictly a streaming girl. And for the most part, if I love it enough to include it on my list, I probably own the DVD anyway.
The cool part about Netflix streaming, though, is on the website itself, I can always find the title, even if it’s not available for streaming, and if it’s not, Netflix suggest what I might like instead that could be consider “similar” to the movie I love. Let’s take a gander.
Blade Runner
I love Blade Runner in so many ways. It was epic, futuristic, sci-fi that was full of quotable quotes that made you think about humanity. And Harrison Ford was at his cutest. Here’s what Netflix suggested instead:
The Fifth Element – yes! I love that movie!
Twin Peaks – nope, never seen it.
Mad Max – I prefer The Road Warrior but this is a classic!
Equilibrium – never heard of it.
Firefly – isn’t this some cult-like TV show?
Total Recall – loved this movie (except when he ran out of air on the surface of Mars)
Johnny Mnemonic – just no, Keanu Reeves is not for me, except for The Matrix.
Not bad. Let’s try again!
The Shawshank Redemption
Best movie ever. EVER. I’d be hard pressed to find a good alternative to this one but let’s see what Netflix says:
Pulp Fiction – I certainly liked it when it came out but generally feel meh about it
Good Will Hunting – pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this movie
The Usual Suspects – I know I’ve seen it and I think I liked it but might be worth a second watch
Forrest Gump – who doesn’t like Forrest?
Silence of the Lambs – I could watch with a nice Chianti and some fava beans
Gladiator – never seen it, I suspect too much testosterone for me
Good Morning Vietnam – amazing movie at the time it came out
Out of Africa
I’ve always adored this movie. It made me want to look just like Meryl Streep and move to Kenya and run a coffee plantation. Netflix has some interesting alternatives:
Wow, I’ve never seen ANY of these. Clearly, I’ve got some watching ahead of me. But I will say that I once did a scene in theater from This Property Is Condemned. Coincidence?
I knew someone that walked out of this movie because they thought it was so bad. And then I never spoke to them again. Interestingly enough, Netflix only had one recommendation:
The Hidden Hand is an “award-winning documentary examines official cover-ups of alien visitation, abduction and technology, and how the truth could change humanity.” Government conspiracy? Yes please!
And there are so many more. More of my favorite movies and more movies similar to my favorite movies waiting for me to discover.
This post is part of the monthly series I write about movies as a member of the Netflix Stream Team. I picked this topic because today is my birthday and I wanted to feel a little self-indulgent and talk about my favorite movies. Now will you also indulge me and tell me some of your favorites?
When asked my favorite, I only think of one: The Color Purple. No other movie has lived up to that one–and, it meets key criteria: Funny, meaningful and moving. I think I might watch it again today!
You know, I have NEVER seen that one. I’ll have to put it on my list.