Did you know that movie theaters are open every singled day of the year? Every. Single. Day. So next time you’re complaining about consumerism and the sacrilege of working on Thanksgiving Day, remember the poor schmucks working at the movie theater.
But I’m thankful for those poor schmucks. In fact, I’ve been going to the movies on holidays for a long time and each one etches a memory into my mind. Like the time I spent Easter with my college boyfriend and his family and we all went to see Leviathan. Or the time my husband and I spent Christmas with his mother and she laid down for a nap. We were bored out of our minds so we headed out to see Cast Away.
I can even remember when I tagged along with my siblings and cousins to venture out to see something on Thanksgiving Day. For the life of me, I can’t remember what it was though. Must have been some unmemorable movie from the 80s (there were plenty of them).
Since we were visiting friends for Thanksgiving Day and didn’t plan to arrive until later in the day, I told Evan we could go see The Penguins of Madagascar on Thanksgiving Day. We’d hit a matinee and be home in time for a huge feast prepared by someone else.
In true Fadra fashion, I didn’t plan well and ended up cleaning and baking and doing last minute things and promised we’d go the next day, on Black Friday.
Not only did it save our sanity because we didn’t have to battle huge crowds at the mall, but it also got us up and moving and out the door. We purchased our tickets through Fandango.com at 1:32pm and I announced THE MOVIE STARTS AT 2PM. LET’S GO!
My family needs a fire lit under their feet to get moving and that did the job. We were out the door in ten minutes and well on our way until…
The movie line was soooo long. And we couldn’t even kill two birds with one stone by having one of us wait in the popcorn line while the other waited for the tickets. Because you had to HAVE your ticket to even get in to get to the popcorn line.
I anxiously looked at my watch trying not to feel the pressure of Black Friday. And when we got up to the ticket window, I held up my phone with my Fandango confirmation number, grabbed my tickets and…
Waited to get in the door. But once we did that, we were good. Except the popcorn line was long and since we hadn’t eaten lunch, I had decided we’d just munch on concessions we shouldn’t have and call it done.
Evan and Sean grabbed some seats and I decided to head out to get the junk food. I’m better at picking it out anyway and my husband is really more of the penguins fan that I am.
A bag of popcorn, an Icee, and some pretzel bits in hand, I made it just in time for the movie to start (thank God for long previews).
I’m going to be honest and tell you that I expected to be bored. But I was thoroughly entertained and IÂ might have even unexpectedly laughed out loud. But don’t take my word for it. I captured Evan’s thoughts on the movie right after we exited.
By the way, this movie saved my sanity because after appeasing Evan with this movie, we were able to still hit a few awesome Black Friday sales on the way home!
In accordance with the FTC Guidelines, I am disclosing that I received compensation from Fandango for my time and participation in the Fandango Family Digital Network. Although we have material connection to Fandango, any publicly stated opinions of Fandango and their brands remain my own.