Continuing my journey as a Shaklee 180 blogger on a journey to get fit and healthy…
Can I be honest? I’m not thrilled about today’s post.
Maybe it’s just because I’m posting another month of less-than-flattering photos of myself. Maybe it’s because I’m not thrilled with the changes over the past 30 days. Maybe I’m ready to look like a supermodel*.
* Shaklee does not endorse the claims that this program will turn you into a supermodel.
Okay, the supermodel thing isn’t going to happen. I’m too short. And I’m about 30 years older than I need to be. Plus I like to eat.
I’m not disappointed in the results. I’m just a little disappointed in myself. But not too much.
First of all, I’ve lost more weight (YAY!!!!) and I’ve lost more inches (SUPER YAY!!!!).
Here are this month’s results.
People following the weight-loss portion of the Shaklee 180â„¢ Program can expect to lose 1-2Â pounds per week.
So what’s my beef?
It’s been a rough month. Between lack of sleep, a stomach virus, travel, allergies, high altitudes and whatever other excuse you want to throw in there, it hasn’t been my best 30 days.
First of all, I went off plan for about 5 days.
Before you ask, no, I didn’t disappear and go on a wild pizza-induced eating rampage where I stalked every convenience store until I found the last Twinkie on the shelf.
No junk food. No McDonald’s. No pizza.
Now I feel sad.
During those 5 days or so, I had some sort of stomach ailment. I was lucky if I could eat anything. I had no appetite and felt nauseous. And then I started to feel better.
Right around that time, I traveled to Denver for a conference. I couldn’t understand it. I felt totally nauseous again and could barely eat. Even though we went our for massive 7 course meals every night (thank you, Toyota), I felt too nauseous and ate like a bird.
AND IT WORKED! I came back from the trip even lighter than when I left. Turns out that altitude doesn’t really agree with me and my dehydration and nausea apparently stemmed from the fact that Denver really is the mile high city.
But the food wasn’t the real issue. I’ve developed a good sense of what to eat, when to eat it, and when to stop. My downfall was the exercise.
I lost my mojo to exercise. Sometimes it was because my husband was out of town and it was more difficult to get to the gym. Sometimes it was my neighbor telling me she couldn’t go to class at the gym (TOTALLY not her fault but it’s true that having someone go with you helps keep you on track). Most of the time it was that I was sick or I was too exhausted from taking care of the sick family that I just didn’t feel like doing it.
I didn’t give up. I went to a few classes. I made a dancing fool of myself with Just Dance 2, Just Dance 3, and Just Dance 4. Because I just can’t get enough. I walked. A little.
I did enough to keep me moving but not enough to make a difference in my body and I can clearly see that now.
Without further adieu, more embarrassing after pictures. Just remember I’m not at my AFTER after yet.
Not a huge change in the front as far as I can tell.
There was a bit of a party in the back. My rear end seems to have shrunken in size. And no complaints from me.
Side note: I have scoliosis, which I didn’t discover until I was an adult. These photos have really helped me notice how it affects my body and how I need to be diligent to keep things balanced and healthy.
I can’t really tell here, can you?
But the bottom line is this…
In 60 days, I’ve lost 6.5 inches total and 8.5 pounds. I’m not complaining. Except for the fact that my favorite jeans are now too loose on me. And I guess that’s really what it’s all about.
So what’s up for the next 30 days? More of the same. More exercise. A trip to Disney (oh no!!!!). And results. I’m still working it.
This is a sponsored post as part of the Shaklee Corporation blogger program. I have received free products, online support and incentives for participating in the Shaklee Corporation blogger program. My opinions are my own.
Read all my Shaklee 180 posts here and see if it’s really working for me.
We all fall off the proverbial wagon and I know you can do it!!! It is hard to make these life changes… baby steps and even though it is sad your favorite jeans do not fit – YOUR JEANS DO NOT FIT AND ARE TOO BIG – WOOO HOOOOO!
Thank you for the encouragement, Lynn! There are ups and downs but that’s part of life, right? I know I can do this and it will be ongoing for the rest of my life. I like seeing the changes!
Pretty fireplace!
Congrats, girl! You’re rocking it! Like everything, there’s no miracle fix and it takes time. Slow and steady wins the race and all that. 😉 But seriously, you look good. I CAN see the difference, and holy braveness to share these pics with the blogging world. GO YOU!
congrats!! It gets hard when you don’t see results quickly, but going slowly will last longer….well anyway that’s what they tell me. I don’t really have a clue. I just wanted to say awesome and good job and keep at it!! 🙂
It’s true that when I don’t stay on track, I’m still staying close to where I am with my weight. Learning moderation. It actually works!
The first 14-30 days of weight loss, most people lose 5-10 lbs of water weight very quickly. After that, losing actual fat is very slow. You need to reduce caloric intake by 3500 calories a week in order to lose 1 lb a week. If you’re doing any kind of strength training (aka building muscle), it complicates this math. And of course feeling sick throws everything off.
I think you’re doing amazing! Hope you’re feeling better.
Thanks Nathania! I’m trying to do about 1200 calories a day. When I do that, it works! And as I exercise more, I up the intake. But I do need to focus more on strength training. Still time to do it!
Hang in there! This is the worst part and I can so relate. The momentum and excitment of starting a new plan is starting to wear off and that initial weight loss that seems so easy slows down. but the changes are still happening and you are doing great!
Yep. Exactly. And it doesn’t help when you’re traveling to Disney. I just have to enjoy myself.
Be proud of what you’ve lost so far. Keep going! You’ll get there in the end. 🙂
Thanks, Bella!
I don’t know how you feel, since most of your second month was filled with being sick, but – I have to say – you look … firmer. Does that make sense? In the one pic, especially, I noticed how much flatter your tummy is.
Great job – particularly with a less-than-healthy time of it. Keep it up, you’re definitely showing the changes. And loose jeans?! Yay!
That totally makes sense. I need to step up my exercise because firming up is really the most important thing for me!
I’m really into firming up, ever since the area under my upper arms decided to flop and do the ‘wave’. If you come across a good exercise for that area – let me know. I’m in desperate need. lol
You’re doing it, even if it doesn’t feel like you’re doing it well! Hang in there and kick the next 30 days ass!
If it’s not the next 30 days, it will be the 30 days after that. I’m not giving up!
Nah, kick today’s ass. Worry about tomorrow and the next 29 tomorrows when they happen.
Thanks, Scotty. Floor to ceiling stone!
Thank you, Andrea. I totally agree with slow and steady. And yes, I’m terrified to post these pictures but it keeps me accountable and will hopefully show other people they can do it too!