Thanksgiving is behind us. But if you are like me, your cup runneth over with family. My belly is full, my eyes are tired, and my head might be hurting just a bit (nothing to do with wine, I swear). So whether you are quietly at home recovering from the holiday or soaking up the last few moments of extended family time, I bet you have had some chaos.
It doesn’t matter. Whatever you are in the midst of, you can retreat inside yourself for just 5 minutes and write what ever enters your mind.
Here’s my contribution:
Why does chaos sometimes feel better compared to silence? It sounds weird, I know. Especially since I’m the kind of person who wants, or rather needs quiet time every day. I’m not an introvert. I think I used to be. But I test as an extrovert nowadays. Hoever, I still need that time to myself. Every day. A few minutes in the morning. SOme relax time at lunch. And most certainly in the evening.
So why, when I seem to get together with the world’s noisiest family does it provide me some comfort? I think because I’m a mom now. We dont’ live near any of our family. And our family lives too far away to seem them with any regularity.
So here I am at my sister’s house. And I take complete respite in the fact that my son is making balloon animals and swordfighting with everyone in the house. He’s loud. He giggles. He wrestles. He forgets about mommy for a while. And I don’t really seem to mind. It makes me feel good for him to see family. ANd somehow understand that the relationship we have with family is somehow different than with neighbors and friends.
He is relaxed. He feels at ease. He tells people he loves them. And it warms my heart. And makes me imagine how life might be different for him if we lived closer to family. Mine or my husband’s. It doesn’t even matter to me. but having him spend his life as an only child makes me long for these chaotic moments. These moments where there’s no whining of boredom.
I find the chaos is different depending on where you are and who you are with, especially family. I find my family to be loud and very chaotic and most of the time I am okay with it. But there are times I just want them to shut the heck up. Everything they do is loud, from watching TV to having a conversation about nothing. I’d say this was hormones but maybe it’s just the fact that I am so use to being alone? Or just my age is beginning to show?
Yes. My family is VERY loud. And the TV is always on. My house is so quiet and I generally prefer it that way. But now I’m starting to wonder if a 3 year old would feel more at home amid the chaos?
When I was pregnant, I was VERY noise sensitive so it might be you 😉
Hey, I did it! Scary but fun.
Also? I, too, am a former introvert turned extrovert and generally prefer the chaos to the quiet… as long as I get a few moments of quiet a day.
Thanks for the fun new meme.
Loved your blog and so glad you stopped by. There are plenty of times when I want to crawl into a hole and isolate myself from the world but if you stick me in the middle of a room full of people, I’m guaranteed to have a good time.
I understand exactly how you feel! I often find myself wondering why I enjoy the noise more than the quiet and yet need the quiet. Nice writting.
I linked up today, but still couldnt get the button on my page. I will talk to one of my blogging friends this week and see if she can help me. Sorry
Umm. WIll you please remind me to test that stupid button? I had the code wrong this week. It gets messed up when I copy and paste. I’m still new at the whole meme thing 🙂
I love the quiet but I think it was soothing for my son to be in a world as loud as his.
I’ve been wanting to try this since you started doing it, today I gave it a go–5 minutes goes by faster then I thought!
I live close to my family, really close to some of them, we still don’t spend that much time together, everyone’s just too busy. I like you appreciate those moments of my little family merging into my bigger all encompassing one…until something gets broken. 😉
ok, just understood the linky thing-so just did that. feel free to edit my above link to my post out of my comment. Have I mentioned that I’m technically challeged? Also, your button isn’t showing on my blog for some reason-even when added in HTML-I’m gonna go try again though. Thanks(also sorry delete this part also if you want)
We’re all learning this meme thing as we go along. I messed up to button code (way to go, Fadra) so we’re both novices here. You’re comments are charming so I shall leave them 🙂
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