How do you prepare for your kids going back to school? It’s an easy 3 step process.
- Do all the shopping things (like school supplies and germ warfare).
- Do all the appointment things (like haircuts, doctor appointments, and eye exams).
- Make time to de-stress (YOU, not the kids!).
As for de-stressing, there are lots of ways women and moms can do that. It might be a girls night out or sharing a glass of wine with a friend (I did both this week!). It might be heading to an afternoon matinee for a chick flick all by yourself. Or you might be the type that likes to pamper yourself. To which I say, YASSSS!
While I love getting a pedicure or manicure, I don’t often spent the money on it as it’s just as easy for me to do at home and I don’t get angry over the money I spent when my nails chip, like, immediately. Things I will splurge on? Haircuts, massages, and facials.
Last month, I spent a heavenly hour with Erica, one of the massage therapists at my local Massage Envy. If you’ve never been, I took the time to tell you everything you need to know before you have a massage. And I’ve been thinking about when I’m making my next appointment. But there was something else I wanted to try out first.
Massage Envy also does facials. This was news to me.
I was a former member of Massage Envy when I lived in North Carolina but hadn’t set foot in one since I moved almost four years ago. When Massage Envy invited me to try their services, I was fine with just a massage. I figured it’s good to stick to what you know. But maybe they were good at facials. So I asked them if they’d like me to give that a try as well.
They said YES! So off I went, back to Massage Envy in Clarksville where I was once again warmly greeted by the staff and taken to the relaxation room while waiting for my esthetician, Senora, to come and get me.
Before I recount my facial nirvana experience, I have to explain the state of mind I was in.
I had recently done two back-to-back fun, relaxing, and exhausting trips (yes, you can have all three at the same time). I breezed back into town only to find that both of my dogs were suffering from a terrible case of the runs.
Yes, you read that right.
There’s nothing like the panicked moment of hearing your dog run down the hallway and hoping you can sprint fast enough to divert them out the front door. My sleep was ragged and my stomach was on edge as well. So I figured it was as good a time as any to head out for my facial appointment.
Here’s where things get fuzzy. Senora takes me back to her room. We talk about my skin and my areas of concern (fine lines, oily pores, dry patches). She asks me if I’m just there for relaxation or if I’m looking for some therapeutic effects. I give her my standard line, “I’m willing to suffer for my beauty.” So we agree to some pore extractions if necessary. She compliments me on my skin (I’m hoping she means it) and I get comfortable.
It’s my choice as to how much to take off, clothing-wise. She recommends at least my bra and top (the facial involves some light shoulder and neck massage) and leaves the rest up to me. As I’ve mentioned before, I like to be free when I’m being pampered so I strip down to my undies and get under the blanket on the table.
Then, she did some magical things. I’m guessing there was cleansing and toning, and serums and creams. I don’t really know and frankly, I’m okay with not knowing. It turns out the facial wasn’t just therapeutic but also extremely relaxing.
I tend to hold a lot of my tension in my face (and neck and shoulder). Laying on the table and letting everything relax didn’t put me to sleep but put me into this weird state of consciousness. A state of extreme relaxation where I was awake but not entirely aware. And when Senora gently ended our session, I had a few brief seconds of what? where am I? how did I get here?
And then I returned to sanity.
Will that happen to you? I can’t say. I’ve had those types of experiences before with both facials and massages but it’s not something that happens every time. Maybe it was the lack of sleep or the stress of traveling but I was thankful that day that my body let go of it all.
Not a pretty site after my Massage Envy facial but I love the quote on the bathroom mirror: “Because you still got it. And you should keep it.”
After the facial, Senora showed me two key products I should look at from the Murad skincare line they use and sell in the store. There was no pressure to buy anything (and I’m a bit overrun with skincare products right now) so I made mental note, thanked her for her services, and checked out.
While my visit was complimentary, I’d like to remind you to always tip your massage therapist or esthetician no matter what!
If you’re getting ready for school to start or you’ve already put those kids back on the bus, I encourage you to take a little time to de-stress and try out a massage or facial at a Massage Envy near you.