Still on vacation. Because we are the world’s richest and most relaxed family in the world. Not really. But I do miss writing and have tried to stay connected at least somewhat while I’ve been gone. It hasn’t been easy. Disney kind of makes you forget about the rest of the world. And it makes me wish I could forget the rest of the world.
I’m trying something new today. I’m speaking my post. I’m using the little app on my phone called Dragon dictation. Basically, I speak and it types what I say. So I will do my best not to do any editing but it may be a little hard to read because my speaking doesn’t always work as well as my writing. I am currently in Florida somewhere north of Jacksonville and what a difference a week makes. I just completed five nights with my family, six nights with my family actually. And I have to tell you that a week away from sickness and cold and the realities of every day life can work wonders. I think it also depends on where you go. Send me escaping to Disney World is beyond amazing. I am constantly marveling at what a machine Disney operations are. I know the original vision of Walt Disney was to create a complete escape from reality and I also read it’s part of why he decided to create a park outside of Disneyland. Apparently Disney land didn’t shield enough protection from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. People were able to view traffic on the highway from rides in the park. I think he’s quite succeeded in creating an alternate reality here in Florida. Something about staying on the compound (which is my word for resort) takes you away from everything. And I most reminded of it as we leave the compound and we head north to our next stop and I stopped at a rest stop. I walk past someone sweeping up the outside and there’s no cheerful smile there’s. There’s nothing that tells me that they are a cast member or what their name is or what country they’re from. I walk into the bathroom and all I can see is the dirt and the lack of cleanliness and the need of repair. And I think to myself why can’t we live in a world like Disney World. I know I’m venturing off into fantasy land right now both literally and figuratively. But why can’t we live where everybody cares about their surroundings and it’s clean and it’s friendly and it’s warm and it’s inviting. And then I’m snapped back to reality and reminded that all of these nice people are paid. I don’t know if they’re paid well but I do know that Disney pays $1.2 billion per year in payroll and an additional $400 million in benefits every year. It is the single largest employer in Orlando. And honestly it looks I can pretty fun place to work. But I also know from a few grumblings that it’s not the easiest place in the world to work. So I commend Disney for creating this alternate reality and making me and my son wish that we could live at Disney World. Now I’m on my way back to reality and I’ll put my rainbows and unicorns away for now.
(P.S. I’m definitely a better writer than speaker so thanks for indulging my dictated gobbledy-gook.)
So glad you got to have your lovely escape. I could use some rainbows and unicorns this week. (Yea, it’s another whine from me, sorry!)
Hey – it’s OUR blog. We can whine and vent all we want on there. In fact, I’m sure our families prefer it.
it does sound like a nice place to live – if you can manage to get “It’s a Small World” out of your head that is 😉 really though – happy that you were able to enjoy a week in such a fantasy land! I hope reality doesn’t bite too much! 😉
Actually, I found out Disney owns an entire planned community. Maybe someday?
You sound like you’ve caught the Disney bug. You’re infected with optimism. I put my link up but it’s not showing 🙁
It is most certainly an escape from reality and one that I needed. However, my return to Savannah snapped me back into reality. HARD.
nevermind, there it is!
Thanks for hosting. This is my second SOC and I really dig the uncensored outlet.
I hope you keep coming back. I probably would have stopped if so many people weren’t enjoying it!
Your trip has me excited for planning one ourselves! I keep trying to tell Hubby that we need to go BEFORE the Boy turns 3 to save on ticket prices. He’s worried about a 2 and 1/2 year old and 6 month old around a park…I tell him if I’M pushing for it, I will not complain. 😉
Glad you enjoyed a bit of relaxation and fantasy and that Disney still has the magic to accomplish both!
See if you can get some parents of yours to go so they can help with the baby. We took Evan after he had just turned 3 and he loved it! But he was literally just a week or so after he turned three. OUCH on the prices! You should go!!!
I want to go to Disneyworld. I could use the escape from reality. Would it be wrong to go WITHOUT my child?
Disney is just as much fun for adults as it is for kids (more so, if you ask me). Girls weekend???
You know… the very first thing I did as I was reading your post was to check if Android had that same App you used. It would be so helpful to dictate my blog posts when I’m driving – I find that some of my best thoughts come in the car. 🙂 (Alas, no such luck for free at least.)
I’ve loved so many of your pics of your Disney adventure… and now I want my own. Seriously thinking about a roadtrip with a friend to Disney – not sure if it would even be possible at this point!
Totally jealous. I love Disney and miss it terribly (now that we no longer live in Florida). Also, your trip has inspired me to start planning a trip for the family next year (Poppa would only be 1 this year and that’s a little too young for me to cart around the park.) But I’m already terribly excited about it!
Annnnd I totally loved the talking stream… My SOC would look so different if I spoke it (and yall would probably want to commit me, haha).
Ugh. I couldn’t even go back and read it. It was too long and mangled but glad you liked it 🙂 I wish my parents took me to Disney when I was young. Finally made it when I was 16. I hope you can make it!
The huz was in the Disney college program and he once told me about that issue with folks at Disneyland seeing cars on the road from the park. It made perfect sense. It really is escapist if you can manage it. If you’re just stopping in for the day and then making a depressing drive right back home you’re not getting the full experience.
Disney last year was the only time I’ve ever came home and NOT felt like I needed a vacation from the vacation.
I am a total fan of staying on property. No need to shuttle back and forth between reality and fantasy. I prefer fantasy all week.
Disney is such a well oiled machine and boy does that Mouse own that town. We took our 2.5 yro in October and it was completely magical watching him become mesmerized by the magic of Disney.
Well oiled machine was exactly what I said to my husband. From an operational standpoint, I’m in awe. But from a happy practical standpoint, I love seeing the magic in my son’s eyes too.